HC302, HC460 & LT9001 over!
*rRandom rRant: the weather's been extremely warm these few days... I even wake up sweating!*

The gif above was from BigBang's goodbye stage on Inkigayo... I loved the stage and omg TOP's "see u again" look! *Doubt thr's many who can still rock with hair in green!*
HC302's paper was the 1st for me last thurs morning. Shan't comment on the paper but imo, philo is sth really intriguing cos it plays ard with my mind! I mean all those words said by ancient philosophers sounded chim, but once we analyse and read more into their thinking, we find tat it isn't tat deep after all. 从尽言,到尽象为立意,其意所道出的是你我都可以在某程度上认同的观点。I reckon I agree a lot with陆九渊的“心论”,庄子的“齐物论”and孟子的“性善论”.
*The world is what we see, and we tend to see the world in our own ways. Plus, 恻隐之心is why we can nv bear to see ppl suffer.*
Finishing HC302's paper felt like half of my exams' over already, even though I had 4papers left. HC460 on fri was an open-bk exam, but haiyo I worry for this mod neh... cos I tot I din ans well. My seat was kinda bad too cos the wall in front blocked me from seeing the clock tat was up front! Lent my watch to JY cos his sitting position was worse than mine... can't even see the clock near us haha. I could a lil', but still the reflection was terrible. *Pray hard this mod wouldn't pull my overall results down!*
*I couldn't ctrl myself. 以为自己会看得开,怎么知道这种事大概却是我一辈子都不敢、不想面对的。还好,他听进去了。其实,我真的有点感动。庆幸,大雨过后还是天晴了。*
And with 2 of the most worrying papers done for me, wkend was all about relaxing for me liao lol! Asked Jess over to watch "Running Man" epi with her... and we were laughing crazily haha! *Yeah~ I found another someone to laugh with me while watching shows!* Think we watched like 4-5 episodes in all, and then headed to market for dinner. The weather was too warm, and we were in the midst of talks, so I suggested we go to Mac to continue our chat. LOL... sort of a "HTHT talk" which I enjoy a lot, as usual. Then, suddenly Jess waved at someone, and when I turned, I saw Vincent! OMG he hasn't changed a bit since the last time we met at PH's 21st bday party at her place. *He claimed that I've slimmed down since the last time we met, esp my face... ok I agree lol.* Oh yeah he was on his way to his gf's place after buying ice-cream, but sat down a while to chat with us. We had a really speedy catch-up on and talked about our sec sch friends haha. He's still very straightforward lol and anyway, it's funny when his gf's“夺命call”came and he rushed away right away!Forced myself to speed-revise all chps of Thai and met with WZ on sun afternoon at JP for the "Fashion Swop" event. I brought 5 old clothes thr for the swop, and we paid 5bucks each. In the end, I ended up coming hm with about 7, 8 clothes and WZ and I were lucky cos we won 20bucks worth of Giordano voucher each! Went and bought a top for ourselves haha!
And I was watching "Star Awards 2012" at night while practising my thai writing. Even though Elvin Ng's already gd-looking, but I can't take my eyes off Pierre Png when he won the top 10 male artistes award, cos he was exuding manly-cum-boyishness charm totally! Female artistes wise, I was delighted to see Paige Chua winning, cos imo she's gt a diff kind of elegance which makes her stand out among others.
So, it was down to LT9001's paper juz nw in the evening. The hall at BS was super cold neh~ and I finished the paper in 1.5hrs. The writing and grammar sections were alright, juz I din really get the comprehension lol. Oh and as for the last section whr we had to intro ourselves in no less than 10 sentences in phonetic Thai, I think I wrote way more than tat cos I had much time haha! *I even PS-ed ?aacaan Suksri at the end of the paper to thk her for her teaching and tat dichan rak phasaa thay! LOL豁出去了.*
Met SS and YQ coincidentally while on the way to exam hall, and so we took the bus home together. I went歇脚亭to get bubble tea, and bumped into Dorothy and Gary too. I almost mistook Dorothy for Mrs Pan cos the 2 really look alike haha. Gary finished his last paper too~ and nw I'm left with 2 more to go... HC261 and DG9005 coming thurs! Will sort out my HC261 notes and write notes for DG9005 these 2 days... and whack them at one go lol!