《隐秘的角落》 + Eat 3 Bowls & Twenty Grammes with YJ & Jess + Aerial with YJ + PotaTOHs’ HDB key collection + Lighting & bathroom accessories shopping @ Balestier + 动土仪式 & defect check +《沉默的真相》+《断舍离》+ 《구미호뎐》+ back to office


很好看的悬疑剧。三个小孩(朱朝阳、普普、严良)和一个大人(张东升)周旋、对峙的戏码很是精彩。故事从严良(史彭元 饰)带着普普(王圣迪 饰)从福利院逃脱去找严良的父亲,以及他的好友朱朝阳(荣梓彬 饰)开始,而另一轴则有不舍与妻子离婚的张东升(秦昊 饰)带着不肯帮他说服妻子的岳父、母登山时把他们推下悬崖的命案发生。这一幕恰好给正在录影的三个孩子录了下来。




Rating: 5/5

16/11/20 Mon - 17/11/20 Tues: Had lunch with Ben at market and Blk 498. Also went to Macdonalds at Jurong Green CC on tues. A good catch-up for sure... hope he finds the right one soon haha!

22/11/20 Sun: Met with both YJ and Jess for dinner at Eat 3 Bowls since our trip to Kyrgyzstan last year! Then, we also had yuan yang waffle with pistachios and dark chocolate ice-cream at Twenty Grammes café as we walked past it. The three ladies had a long talk for a few hours over dinner and dessert, mainly on dramas and actors lol. 

24/11/20 Tues: Did “railway” easy on the hammock tonight. YJ came for a trial lesson with me and though it was her virgin attempt, she still dared to try many of the moves haha.  

26/11/20 Thurs: PotaTOHs’ appointment to collect keys was early at 8.15am at HDB hub. Saw the CPF OA savings cut to only $20K for each of us, bought the fire insurance and home protection scheme, as well as paid the first-month of conservancy charges to CCK Town Council. We also opened up our SP account at level 9 of the building.       
Had laksa at a coffee shop nearby before we took train and bus to our new unit at West Plains. Daniel and us did our BTO defect check and we only found eight, which was very few as compared to his other owners haha. My mil also came over to look at the clothes drying rack and we had late lunch together at Le Quest’s koufu.

30/11/20 Mon: Stayed overnight at Potato’s and had breakfast with parents-in-law in the morning. After lunch at Balestier, we met Daniel to buy lightings at Chan Huat. Both of us are not the kind who’d货比三家before buying things, so we practically bought whatever that’s needed for our house in the same shop. Then, he brought us over to Tapz Gallery to buy our kitchen sink and tap, as well as bathroom accessories. *Though we’d already saved up for our new house, but spending a lot at one go is still scary~*
2/12/20 Weds: Mum helped me buy the required fruits and incense stuff for动土仪式at my new house in the morning. Then, we headed to Gombak central to get bananas, coffee-o-kosong and Chinese tea before taking 991 over. *She was astonished at how small my 4-room flat is lol.* We prayed and burned incense paper as part of动土仪式. As we made an appointment with HDB contractor to verify the defects at 4pm, Potato came over early to accompany me hehe! He bought sushi, snacks and drinks, as well as a game of “Unlock”, which was very interesting with the use of the易经concept. Daniel and his lighting vendor came over to design on the wire arrangement for the lights too. Potato and I tried walking from our house to Gombak MRT late afternoon and yup it took about 15 minutes.

《沉默的真相》is also YJ’s recommendation, and it forms part 3(《长夜难明》) of a series of novel, in which《坏小孩》is part 2.

《沉》是现代犯罪悬疑剧。一层层的罪案环环相扣,原来幕后竟是一大恶势力集团在为所欲为。我也很喜欢,但它比起《隐》还没那么叫人惊悚。江阳(白宇 饰)的牺牲,真的叫人不胜唏嘘。


Rating: 4.5/5






Rating: 4/5

I’m one episode away from the finale of구미호뎐(Tale of the Nine-Tailed), but I think time for a review anyway haha.

(이동욱) does have some resemblance to Edward Cullen in the Twilight movies, mostly for his red-hair and pale skin, but nope he’s not a vampire but a nine-tailed fox cum ex-mountain spirit who had been waiting to find the love of his life, 남지아/아음 (조보아), and also destroy the imoogi at the same time. *I thought김범is way better-looking than이동욱lol.*

Some of the storylines and tales in the drama was intriguing, as well as the effects.

Rating: 3.5/5

4/12/20 Fri: Made my return to office after eight months! Not that I’ve got a lot of cobwebs to clear but definitely some cleaning to do to the surrounding and my computer. *Ate my favourite Korean spicy pork soup set at Yew Tee kopitiam for lunch too yums.*
