Watching“换换爱”atm... I reckon王传一's more handsome than Mike He haha. He's gt this忧郁气质in him, in contrast to贺军翔's“小混混”feel lol. Oh yeah, one more thing: I prefer his deep-toned voice to Mike's haha. Well, nt bad an idol drama... gonna continue watching cos I'm oni at epi 1 hehe.
*Jobs... so many that I dunno how to choose now. Maybe I shldn't be too picky huh?*
Found a website and did a free analysis of my life using紫薇斗数... it's like 90% true~
Below's the analysis:
你的紫微主星为廉贞星,该生辰是为木三局的阳女命人,其中【命主】由 廉贞星坐守,而【身主】则由 文昌星进驻。
■ 聪明机警,伶牙俐齿不喜欢受人指挥,更不喜欢受到太多限制,好胜倔强的性格通常是激发你勇往直前的原动力。擅於察言观色,能够在短时间内掌握对方心理需求,配合灵活口才与机智反应,总令人印象深刻!
Me: Very true. But impressing ppl mah... that I would have to ask my friends le haha.
■ 性格激烈,玉石俱焚与生俱来矛盾复杂的多重性格,时而开朗爽快、时而阴沉猜忌,给人亦正亦邪、难以捉摸的形象。好胜心强且性子烈,为达目的,甚至会不择手段。在求好心切的竞争意识驱使下,可能出现「只问成果,不问过程」的行事作风。
Me: Hate to say this but I'd have to agree with the 1st sentence. As for“不择手段”tat part... hmm if there's no friendship/kinship in talk, then nt wrong mah hor? Lol.
■ 外冷内热,与众不同你倾向於外表冷漠、内心热情的异性所吸引。对方的任性、爱吃醋,虽然让你头疼,但却又有着迷人的吸引力。
Me: Hmm... I took some mins off to think about this le. I gt to say, at this stage of life, almost 100% true ba. Maybe cos I'm a "double-faced" myself, I would be more easily attracted to such guys lol.
■ 冲锋陷阵,当机立断面对工作,通常显得斗志旺盛;挑战性越高的工作,你做得越起劲。从事符合自身专长/兴趣的领域,更能发挥事半功倍的工作绩效!
Me: I admit that I may be timid at times, but yeah I do welcome challenging jobs! The 2nd sentence... oh I'd love that to be true!
■ 中规中矩,面子第一你喜欢事情都在掌控之中的感觉,相较於金钱,你更重视面子。也就是说,你宁愿选择体面与尊严,也不愿为钱向人屈膝。
Me: Doi~ 100% true! "Face" is definitely more impt compared to money. I seldom go for help, even if it means being kinda poor at some pt of time... juz tat diff to "pull my face down and ask/beg". Therefore ppl, dun think u can force me into doing anything juz cos u have the money~我.不.屑! LOL~
If u're interested... link here:
*“Every1.偶像军团的出动!她”is a super funny show... Sung Min's kung fu is wow! Watching how the guys danced so hard to win Wonder Girls' heart is so fun. I can't wait for the nex episode~*
*Jobs... so many that I dunno how to choose now. Maybe I shldn't be too picky huh?*
Found a website and did a free analysis of my life using紫薇斗数... it's like 90% true~
Below's the analysis:
你的紫微主星为廉贞星,该生辰是为木三局的阳女命人,其中【命主】由 廉贞星坐守,而【身主】则由 文昌星进驻。
■ 聪明机警,伶牙俐齿不喜欢受人指挥,更不喜欢受到太多限制,好胜倔强的性格通常是激发你勇往直前的原动力。擅於察言观色,能够在短时间内掌握对方心理需求,配合灵活口才与机智反应,总令人印象深刻!
Me: Very true. But impressing ppl mah... that I would have to ask my friends le haha.
■ 性格激烈,玉石俱焚与生俱来矛盾复杂的多重性格,时而开朗爽快、时而阴沉猜忌,给人亦正亦邪、难以捉摸的形象。好胜心强且性子烈,为达目的,甚至会不择手段。在求好心切的竞争意识驱使下,可能出现「只问成果,不问过程」的行事作风。
Me: Hate to say this but I'd have to agree with the 1st sentence. As for“不择手段”tat part... hmm if there's no friendship/kinship in talk, then nt wrong mah hor? Lol.
■ 外冷内热,与众不同你倾向於外表冷漠、内心热情的异性所吸引。对方的任性、爱吃醋,虽然让你头疼,但却又有着迷人的吸引力。
Me: Hmm... I took some mins off to think about this le. I gt to say, at this stage of life, almost 100% true ba. Maybe cos I'm a "double-faced" myself, I would be more easily attracted to such guys lol.
■ 冲锋陷阵,当机立断面对工作,通常显得斗志旺盛;挑战性越高的工作,你做得越起劲。从事符合自身专长/兴趣的领域,更能发挥事半功倍的工作绩效!
Me: I admit that I may be timid at times, but yeah I do welcome challenging jobs! The 2nd sentence... oh I'd love that to be true!
■ 中规中矩,面子第一你喜欢事情都在掌控之中的感觉,相较於金钱,你更重视面子。也就是说,你宁愿选择体面与尊严,也不愿为钱向人屈膝。
Me: Doi~ 100% true! "Face" is definitely more impt compared to money. I seldom go for help, even if it means being kinda poor at some pt of time... juz tat diff to "pull my face down and ask/beg". Therefore ppl, dun think u can force me into doing anything juz cos u have the money~我.不.屑! LOL~
If u're interested... link here:
*“Every1.偶像军团的出动!她”is a super funny show... Sung Min's kung fu is wow! Watching how the guys danced so hard to win Wonder Girls' heart is so fun. I can't wait for the nex episode~*