Money No Enough II
During the movie, there's this couple one row in front of us. The girl was sitting right infront of my mum and she was "rocking" her chair like mad. It's alright if she went smooching her bf all the way thru in the theatre we dun care, but rocking the cinema seats as if it's her home sofa is irritating! Mum was complaining and I didn't want to hear her complain, so I exchanged seat with her. Idiot gal... the back of her seat kept on knocking onto my knees. I "kicked" back she oso no response... *装傻* she continued smooching her bf every nw and then. *What the!? I reckon this小妹妹out there needs to learn manners!*
This movie wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, at least better than the "Ah Long" movie. Again, typical Singapore story... typical SG family. 3 bros... from rich to poor. Bad things have to happen at the same time, juz when they were down. While watching this movie, the topic "money" wasn't on my mind at all. Rather, it's kinship. This time round, the applause go to the old mother of the family...她的处境是催泪弹. 最催人泪的一幕戏是辉哥把有老人痴呆症的老妈送进老人院,然后转身奋力地跑;泪用力地流...老妈在后头大声地喊:“不要把我丢在这里!我要回家!”
一位年老的妈妈,要求不过如此而已:不要丢下她,不要把他“放逐”到陌生的地方去。 人老了,就没人要了吗?想一想,人老了,就会“返老还童”,变成不懂事的小孩子了。我们小的时候,父母都没有“抛弃”我们,辛苦把我们抚养成人。现在换作我们是大人,父母“似小孩”,那我们不更应该照顾他们吗?
但Mark饰演的小儿子也说了:“没人照顾,看她这样我也心痛!”这是儿子的心声,儿子的真心话。 这一点,我想是活在这世上的人都必须了解和体谅的。谁不想好好孝顺父母?但在这社会里,孝顺是有条件的。尽管送进老人院不是他们最能够表现孝顺的方法,但起码没有把老妈给“丢弃”了。
During one scene whereby Jack Neo's wife grabbed the "O-" blood type packets from the docs in order to save her own daughter who was admitted to hospital due to car accident (the bld was supposedly for saving the old mum's life), someone at the back of the theatre suddenly screamed: "Bad deed! Bad deed!" Well, he was very agitated. The whole cinema turned round to look at him. I was scared, so din turn round lol. I dunno if I heard it correctly, cos someone beside me was laughing, saying that he said: "Batman"~ *doesn't make sense lol* Be it "bad man", "baddie" or "bad deed", he was clearly scolding Jack Neo's wife in the movie. Besides that小插曲, I did hear ppl sniffing away as well haha.
Dialogues 65% in Hokkien. There's humour... makes you laugh. There's emotion... makes you tear.
Most imptly, the whole movie made sense.
Rating: 3.25/5
Had dinner at Zingdo... treated mum to this Vegetarian Bim Bup. She loved Kim Chi too hehe. The fried mushroom was nice, and my fried seafood tong hoon was gd. 30bucks flew away... heng I gt voucher hehe. Then, gt myself 2 new bf shirts and hair wax. Headed for home!