My 31st bday dinner with Ben @ Ichiban Boshi + Puri-Puri with Potato + my bday dinner with in-laws & earrings from Potato + Suparraki ramen + Tiramisu cake @ Lady M + my bday lunch with Jess @ Unagiya Ichinochi & dad’s belated bday zichar + Walking on Sunshine with uni ladies + Horseshoe hydro-dipping workshop + 봄밤
*rRandom tThought: PotaTOHs met about 10 IDs
for our new house next year! Somewhat tiring process but it’s all in the best
interest of our pockets haha.*
15/10/19 Tues: Stretching session~

Finished watching “봄밤” (One Spring Night) starring한지민and정해인recently.
이정인 (한지민) is a librarian who was already facing relationship issues with her boyfriend권기석 (김준한), and she met pharmacist유지호 (정해인) by chance one day in the pharmacy after a hungover. It was love at first sight for them, and이정인wanted for them to be just friends at the start, but that was hard for유지호, a young single dad.
The two finally got together after이정인fell out with her boyfriend, and the drama continued. There were struggles with how people would judge이정인as if she “cheated” on the ex-boyfriend, if she would accept유지호and his son altogether etc. I did feel the tension in their emotions sometimes.
Though the drama shared the same director as “밥 잘 사주는 예쁜 누나”, the overall “tone” of the show was nowhere lovey-dovey and sweet, it’s slightly more serious and depressing. 정해인also looked all忧郁with fringed-hairstyle this time round. Yes I like his shows but hopefully he could take on other kinds of roles in future as opposed to only melo-drama, so as to further show his versatility as an actor!
15/10/19 Tues: Stretching session~
16/10/19 Weds: Ben was very nice to treat me to Ichiban
Boshi as I did back for his birthday in June. Food was meh-meh, but it’s always
good to catch up with him on work and life. *We’re all going into different
phases in life, but that doesn’t stop us from catching up.*
19/10/19 Sat: PotatTOHs went for dinner at Puri-Puri after meet-up with two IDs. It’s a refreshing concept whereby we get to look at and purchase furniture and lightings while tucking into their fusion chirashi don. Good price and nice ambience, and yes I did take photos of a few lighting designs that I liked.
19/10/19 Sat: PotatTOHs went for dinner at Puri-Puri after meet-up with two IDs. It’s a refreshing concept whereby we get to look at and purchase furniture and lightings while tucking into their fusion chirashi don. Good price and nice ambience, and yes I did take photos of a few lighting designs that I liked.
20/10/19 Sun: Headed over to in-laws for family dinner
after work. MIL got Potato to buy a matcha cake from Four Leaves to celebrate
my 31st birthday in advance. Sweet but not bad!
Regarding the birthday gift Potato got me, it’s hilarious
how he had kept that “surprise” for about four months till he couldn’t keep it
in anymore and revealed some details on Sunday night haha! Been making me guess
what my birthday gift was, and so he bought this pair of beautiful earrings from
Eunnamu in Bukchon, on the very last morning of our stay in Seoul back in June.
He went there too early when the shop would only open at 10am, so he hung around for one hour plus while playing with the
cat outside. When the owner came slightly earlier before opening time, she’d
tell him to come back later as they were not ready (setting up I guess?), but
he insisted he’d already know what he wanted to get and went straight for this.
Yes, I’d saw the necklace of the same design a day or two before when we went
shopping, but thought it was too expensive, and I “warned” him not to buy that.
But he told me he thought what I liked looks nice
too, but since I don’t wear necklaces as often as earrings, he bought the
latter of the same design instead.
I love it. But I didn’t take note of the name of the shop back then. It’s got to do with trees and nature... my love! Maybe fated? Lol.
I love it. But I didn’t take note of the name of the shop back then. It’s got to do with trees and nature... my love! Maybe fated? Lol.

21/10/19 Mon: PotaTOHs
had EAT肉挫面for
lunch at Jurong Point. *Poor dear was down with flu symptoms.* Then, we
watched “Joker”.
Very dark movie. I felt
rather uncomfortable at some point of time, especially when he shot the comedian
host dead on a “live show”. Yet, it’s a show that allows for much reflection. Arthur
Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) is often bullied because he suffered from a disorder
that causes him to laugh at inappropriate times. The aspiring comedian was
looked down, and he retaliated as a mode of self-protect. He killed strangers
that mocked at him, his ex-colleague, the neighbour, his mum and the famous host.
But I’m sure not all exactly were murdered by him. Some did, in his mind.
22/10/19 Tues: Had a good time flipping in the air, laughing and “hanging
in there”… literally haha.
26/10/19 Sat: Had Suparraki for dinner with Potato after a second
meet-up with Jason from D5 Studio Image. The ramen was not bad… value-for-money.
I was tempted by the seasonal Tiramisu cake that Lady M came out with recently,
so we ate that after dinner hehe~ it was good! *Potato, 这段期间让你破费啦~*
27/10/19 Sun: Jess treated me to a belated birthday lunch
at Suntec City’s Unagiya ichinochi. We wanted to give it a try as it’s
specialty was unagi, which we both love haha. She had the Hitsumabushi (only unagi)
while I ate the unagi with barachirashi don mix. The first waiter that attended
to us was rather rude, but luckily, the second guy explained to us nicely on
how to mix the side ingredients and dashi to the rice separately to try
different ways of eating. *Granted it’s tastier than Man Man’s in our
opinion, but if not for the second waiter, we might never go back again!*
Brought Jess shopping at Funan Mall since she’d never been
to the revamped one yet. *Always a good catch-up with this one.* Headed
home to bring the family out for usual煮炒as dad’s belated birthday dinner.
The dishes were not bad ($68 altogether), especially the assam curry fish head,
but the lemonade chicken came only half an hour later (we’re all fast eaters by the way), and since
we were close to finishing all the other food already, dad and mum insisted we
cancelled the order for that. The young waitress looked bent on sending the
dish over, but we rejected flat-out.
28/10/19 Mon: Thanks to XY, and the “successful surprise”,
SS, Michelle and I were shocked to see MT, her son Alwyn, LC and then YQ
appeared over lunch at Walking on Sunshine! *The decoration is very dreamy~
what most girls will like!* It’s been some time since most of us gather for
a meal.
I had the salmon on toast and their "green cleanse juice" that consisted of spinach, pineapple and cucumber which was not bad, and they
ordered the pancake souffle for us birthday girls too. Very sweet of them and
Alwyn was “da bomb” la~ seeing MT “chase” after him and trying to pacify him
reaffirms one more time that being a mummy isn’t easy!
29/10/19 Tues: Had lowered aerial yoga class tonight after
a long time. Stretches on the ground felt even more difficult than usual. It
was hard for me to get into “mermaid pose”~ only got it after like eight times
of try! *My arms are tired and I was sweating quite a bit by then!*
30/10/19 Weds: I volunteered to help out at STC’s “Lucky
Horseshoe” booth on November 24, and hence had to attend the horseshoe hydro-dipping
workshop to learn the ropes first before we sell them to the public at Artbox
Singapore 2019.
Teamed up with Janice, Alison and Jesslyn at one of the work
tables and we started to design our own “horseshoe art”! We were told to shake
the Easy Marble oil-based paint well before opening them up and putting them in
order of which paint to pour first. Each combination contains four to five
colours, and I wanted more of pastel than dark tones in my first horseshoe, and
hence amongst the colours in “Liquid Sunrise”, I first put the lightest one
(most number of drops to fill the base), and followed accordingly with other
colours, decreasing the number of drops with each colour. Then, we use the
wooden sticks to swirl for a bit, and before it hardens, we dip our horseshoe
slowly in the water, and have another person sweep aside the remaining paints
on the surface, and we can take out the horseshoe to dry. The last step was to
spray varnish on both sides once it dries.
My first horseshoe ended up with a “unicorn dream-like” marbling
effect! I for one thought it totally reminded me of my favourite Paddle Pop ice-cream
when I was a kid. For the next two horseshoes, I tried blue and green colour
tones respectively.
Quite a fun hands-on session as I see other staff using
handphone casing, shoes, water bottles and lanyards etc for hydro-dipping too.
Will assume different roles during the flea market and hopefully, we sell as many
as possible as all proceeds would go to Singapore Children’s Society.
Wrote a short article on it as well:
Chinese version:
News&Year=2019Finished watching “봄밤” (One Spring Night) starring한지민and정해인recently.
이정인 (한지민) is a librarian who was already facing relationship issues with her boyfriend권기석 (김준한), and she met pharmacist유지호 (정해인) by chance one day in the pharmacy after a hungover. It was love at first sight for them, and이정인wanted for them to be just friends at the start, but that was hard for유지호, a young single dad.
The two finally got together after이정인fell out with her boyfriend, and the drama continued. There were struggles with how people would judge이정인as if she “cheated” on the ex-boyfriend, if she would accept유지호and his son altogether etc. I did feel the tension in their emotions sometimes.
Though the drama shared the same director as “밥 잘 사주는 예쁜 누나”, the overall “tone” of the show was nowhere lovey-dovey and sweet, it’s slightly more serious and depressing. 정해인also looked all忧郁with fringed-hairstyle this time round. Yes I like his shows but hopefully he could take on other kinds of roles in future as opposed to only melo-drama, so as to further show his versatility as an actor!
Rating: 3.25/5