What's stupid was that after blabbering a whole 5mins at me, in the end he asked for the number. IDIOT, I白白被骂for nth... still helped him in the end!
Afternoon went for “Star Search 2007” media con at Pan Pac Hotel.
Host was郭亮 & 权怡凤... they very humourous, really gd host. First time I see both of them in person, Yi Feng was kind of slim o~ They made a few mistakes but managed to “save the situation” with their quick wit.
The 20 finalists appeared in 4, 2 pairs at one go. Looks very solemn if nt without the host’s cracking jokes, cos the newbies all wore black.一片乌黑~ Well, among this新秀hopefuls, more than half were from SG…*if we don’t win then proves sth..haiz.* None of the guys caught by eye in person, I can’t see any王力宏or金城武there…haha! Girls…I only rmb the one I interviewed and one who spoke like Caron…as in the way they talked…without all the “g” sound in mandarin.
If I were to judge them soleby through photos alone…
-Kuan Chieh (M3) is the best-looking among guys. Taiwanese, 23yrs old.
-Andie (M5) reminds me a bit of Shawn Yue. Singaporean, 22 yrs old.
-Hao Ying (M5) looks bit like combi of Daniel Zhang & Chen Bo Lin. Taiwanese, 19 yrs old.
-Kola (F3) is, coincidentally the best-looking among girls. Chinese, 23 yrs old.
-Pei Qi (F6) looks bit like younger version of Michelle Chia. Chinese, 17 yrs old.
I interviewed 2 at first, but the PR told me interview more, so I did 4.
Grabbed Pei Qi 1st. At 1st saw her on stage tot she looked a bit “old” and the way she intro herself like pri sch kid going for朗诵比赛…lol. While doing the interview saw her nearer in person and well, she’s quite耐看, and though she’s from Shanghai, her mandarin is 95% understandable. She’s more natural when chatting, as in nt like reciting some poems. Finally when she stood up, I realised she’s kind of tall… I asked her how tall is she, and her reaction quite cute: Pointed to her heels and say: “there…cos of these!” Anyway, she’s 168cm.
Next was Raynard from Malaysia, Penang. He’s 26, oldest in competition. Lucky, his Malaysian accent nt too heavy or else I would faint~ In person, he looks a lot better…smile got dimples. My impression of him is simply very obedient and true lor.
Then the PR told me bout this twins, Hao Yi & Hao Ying. No wonder I was thinking that they looked alike… just that the elder bro Hao Yi had black hair and “sharper” face shape while Hao Ying had brown-gold hair and “broader” face shape. I tot Hao Yi looks better in person but Hao Ying looked better in photos. Haha. They weren’t tall and well, I had a better impression of Hao Yi…cos Hao Ying didn’t look very专心and somehow restless too. But when I asked him, he bit fake la…said he was in very high spirit…when in actual fact he looked so魂不守舍~ Yi Feng did made fun of their Eng on stage…when they were pronouncing the “M” and “Happy BURST-day”…haha. Btw, Hao Yi knows fortune-telling wor~
In all, interviewing newbies is always kind of fun, as in the ans they gave were more“乖”and nt fake. They don’t have to hide things when saying, chatting with them I nt stressed at all… the qns simply came to mind automatically one by one…cos I felt like I’m more experienced than them! Lol.
*It's ok to be forgotten by friends whom I'm not close with.*
*Would I be able to finish all my articles before I leave?*
Kuan Chieh
Hao Yi
Hao Ying
Pei Qi