Badminton and sushi with Jess and Potato + Supper at Niqqi’s + Farmily come over for housewarming + tuition with Amelia + STC e-townhall + Taka shopping & Izakaya Hikari with Farmily + housewarming with Alina & HT + “Is it really green?” + VO + “How to live mindfully and look after yourself” + Certificate in Business Chinese Translation Skill course + 《阴阳师: 晴雅集》+ dowry shopping with in-laws & housewarming with Potato’s sec sch friends + Parents’ day dinner +《빈센조》+ “The Queen’s Gambit”

28/4/21 Weds: We had stir-fried小白菜with shimeiji mushrooms and tomatoes, carrots and corn soup, as well as pan-fried minced meat balls on butterhead lettuce for dinner~ shiok!

29/4/21 Thurs: Potato stir-fried some spinach with shimeiji mushrooms and chilli padi, pan-fried marinated salmon on top of sliced cucumbers and also cooked dry udon for dinner. *The idea of adding some sesame sauce and sesame oil on top of the udon work wonders~ yummy!*
30/4/21 Fri: Had a pretty hard time trying to balance myself while working the abs and core on the foam roller for a second time in Pilates back-care class! Came home to yummy oyako-don prepared by Potato for lunch~ I only helped to cooked everything in the pan. 

Jess came over at 4+pm and three of us went to the hard court nearby for a game of badminton. There was wind and rain on and off, but after about 30 minutes into the game, we decided to stop as the rain was getting heavier. *The quality of the shuttlecocks from Daiso was not as good given it’s cheap at five for $2.* Nonetheless, we had good fun and workout.

Potato prepared carrots, cucumbers and crabsticks for our home-made sushi rolls. I cooked the four eggs in the tamago pan for the first time but they were slightly burnt oops. We cooked 1.5 cups of sushi rice and Potato poured the sushi vinegar into the pot once the rice was ready for spreading onto the seaweed pieces. They were pretty hot at first when I tried to spread them with my bare hands, so Potato ended up helping me… and putting too much rice lol. *I’m no better… too greedy with the ingredients in my roll instead. Only Jess did it just nice for cutting haha.* Doesn’t matter because the taste was still great and it was a good learning experience for us. *Tsk the Taobao stuff arrived “sheepishly” at our doorstep, the delivery man did not inform us, and I only saw it only after opening the door for Jess.*

Had some fun at night playing VR games. *Jess and I both cannot really stomach the movements in “Echo VR”.*
1/5/21 Sat: I decided we could have mee hoon kuey for dinner tonight, so we added in grey prawns, leftover seaweed and cabbage, tomatoes, garlic, eggs, mushrooms and chicken stock to cook it~ an explosion of flavours but not bad.

At 11pm, WL jio-ed us out last minute for supper at Niqqi’s the Cheese Prata shop because they rented a car for two weeks for their wedding. Potato ordered the cheese prata ($5) which was meh, while we shared the sardine murtabak ($6.50). My first time eating murtabak and it was okay. WL drove us over to Jurong Hill after WS caught sight of the “Super Moon”, but clouds already over-shadowed parts of it by the time we reached Jurong Hill.
2/5/21 Sun: Francine bought us the cheap nasi lemak from Nurul Delights ($2.50 each) and I liked the fragrant rice. Chicken wings were so-so only. Three of us played a round of “Evil Baby Orphanage” until Ning and Wandi came over at 2.30pm when we then tried VR games and “Teabbles”, a fun bubble tea game.

 3/5/21 Mon: First tuition with Amelia and she is very soft-spoken, but she does have a good grasp of hanyu pinyin and Chinese pronunciation. *Ooh she has a ginger cat by the name of “boy boy” lol.* 

WL and WS invited us over to their place for dinner as WS brought home pasta from her company’s buffet lunch. Quite a spread and we also played some mahjong at night… omg I felt handicapped because everyone can play well except for me haha.

4/5/21 Tues: Attended the first e-Townhall hosted by STC’s new CEO, Irene Lim for the first time. No talks about bonuses nor details about master planning… things were rather touch and go. *I reckon it’s not easy for the EMs when things are regulated and approved by government and officials eslewhere, but talks-only puts a serious dent in our confidence in the Club.*

News came out that the government is tightening measures and I should be working from home till further notice. We had our “last” aerial yoga lesson tonight before the studio will be closed till June probably. It was not difficult, but I minded not to arch my lower back too much.

5/5/21 Weds: PotaTOHs exercised together in the afternoon at home after my Pilates Wunda class got cancelled. It was fun! He cooked tomato-based spaghetti with mushrooms, onions, marinated minced meat (light soy sauce, paprika sesame oil) and cherry tomatoes for dinner~ nice.

6/5/21 Thurs: Very幸福to come home to a good dinner cooked by Potato after tuition with Triston. He stir-fried the chicken meat I marinated this afternoon with green capsicum which he forgot to cook with the pasta yesterday haha.

7/5/21 Fri: Went into office to get my laptop’s camera fixed by Daren so as to prepare for my Certificate in Business Chinese Translation Skill online course next Wednesday. Daniel and his photographer colleague were at our place taking photos and replacing the silicon when I came home at lunch time.

PotaTOHs went shopping at Takashimya and ended up getting the cover for our frying pan and two large bowls. We had an early dinner at Nakajima Suisan… again a satisfied meal for both! Bought some undies at OG Centrepoint and we saw some interesting board games at a games shop.
Reached Fortune Centre at about 7pm but Nobu-ya was already full for the night, so we did a booking at Izakaya Hikari instead. PotaTOHs sat around nearby as we wait for Francine and PY to knock off. Ordered lots of Japanese starters and bites at 8.30pm, including Francine’s favourite of Tako Wasabi haha. *The food were pretty good and I think it’s worth visiting again.*

8/5/21 Sat: Alina and HT visited PotaTOHs new place in the afternoon. The ladies had a good chat and update about their recent life, and Potato whipped up Japanese curry for all of us for dinner~ delicious! Brought the two girls to buy bubble tea at Teabrary and played VR games at night.

9/5/21 Sun: Potato stir-fried bittergourd and scrambled eggs for the first time… nice! We had some steamed la la too, but the ginger was a bit old, so the soup ended up a little bitter.

Finished reading “Is it really green?” by Georgina Wilson-Powell.

Growing up, I never took the idea of “being green” seriously. But the more I hear-say, the more I read about environmental damages and climatic changes, the more I thought I ought to pay more attention to these, and contribute in whatever ways I can to help Earth a bit more.

Little things and decision we make in life could have an impact, say choosing an electric hob over gas, 3Rs, reducing use of plastic, avoiding fast fashion, choosing natural fabrics, car-sharing over owning a car, turning off electronic devices instead of being on standby mode, going vegan if not adopting a “nose to tail” philosophy when it comes to eating meat, buying local produce etc...

I cannot say I remember them all and the reasons behind. After all, so-called “organic” stuff are usually not cheap, or there could be sellers out there that mark up prices further.

But nonetheless, I shall try my best to reduce the carbon footprints we leave.

Informative read.

Rating: 3.75/5

11/5/21 Tues: Did a simple VO for MOE’s PE digital resource in the morning. The “studio” was not of those I have been to before, but I’m not complaining whenever given the chance to do what I like. Had Terry katong laksa ($3.50) at Bukit Timah Food Centre claimed to not have MSG, evaporated creamer, added sugar, pork and lard, which was not bad, though slightly salty for me.
I cooked dinner for the night! *有点手忙脚乱,红菠菜其中一只连根都没切掉哈哈!* Turned out not bad we reckon! My red spinach with enoki, cherry tomatoes, chilli and garlic with oyster sauce was slight savoury but still okay, the already-marinated pork belly with enoki and garlic was nice (Potato helped slice cucumber and cut the pork bellies into smaller slices as I cook), but the baked sweet potatoes cube were only so-so… not crunchy like Potato expected. *Yay to a life skill learnt thanks to Potato!*

I managed to finish 160 pages of “How to live mindfully and look after yourself” by Claire Chamberlain in less than a day!

When I picked this up, so I read when I was on the bus and during my breaks at home. I cannot agree more with what’s pointed out inside for self-care. We have to let go of guilt, forgive ourselves, smile more, seek out activities that make us happy and set new goals. I’m engaging in a lot of what’s being mentioned: meditation, mindfulness diet, exercise, be out in the sun, having ME-times etc.

Self-care before you can care for others well.

Rating: 4/5

12/5/21 Weds: Potato surprised me by whipping up Korean jap-chae in the afternoon! He did everything in about 30 minutes wow. There were no eggs, but the addition of pork belly was nice too.

He decided to put two chilli padi for the lady’s fingers at night and omg the spiciness hit us straight lol. PY came for her 3D2N’s stay at PotaTOHs at night while I was attending my first lesson of “Certificate in Business Chinese Translation Skill” course online. Teacher Liu Ling seems affable… hopefully I can get the certification smoothly.

We watched 《阴阳师: 晴雅集》together.


Rating: 3.5/5

13/5/21 Thurs: Met in-laws at Northpoint’s Poh Heng to shop for bangles for our wedding. *Cost of 999 gold now is $92 per gram omg.* Then, we walked over to coffeeshop to have some莆田菜, one of their favourites!

Joan, Galvin, Tiffany and Joshua joined PY for PotaTOHs’ housewarming. We played VR and Unlock games, and ate KFC fried chicken, blackforest cakes, strawberry shortcake and matcha rolls~ *The focaccia bread Josh and Tiff baked was good!* 

14/5/21 Fri: Potato made pasta with the leftover KFC chicken meat for lunch.

After tuition with Joshua, I went over to 498 first as we were having zi char for parents’ day dinner tonight. We had the马来风光、assam鱼头、沙律脆皮豆腐and柠檬鸡. Went home and I’m glad the strawberry watermelon cake ($65) from CQUA was nice! Very refreshing and light on the palette, so we almost finished it, except mum wanted dad to save some for breakfast the next day instead haha. *Thanks for going all the way to Yishun to take the cake Potato!*

15/5/21 Sat: Always nice to eat home-cooked meals after race day duty! Pork loin (chicken would have been a better choice, but it was sold out~) marinated in gochujang and kimchi atop cucumber slices, and we also had lady’s fingers, potatoes, shrooms and onions with paprika!

16/5/21 Sun: Woke up to the sad news of Nooresh Juglall passing. I already knew that he was in critical condition the night before after a race fall, but Mike said he succumbed to his injuries shortly after. We might not know each other very well, but I remember the days he would come to me to get his winning race photos. Nooresh was very polite, and just before he left for Mauritius three years ago, he gave me a ride to Yew Tee for lunch when we met at the MRA office. We did not keep in touch personally, but we followed each other on Instagram. His old account got hacked recently, and so he deleted that. *It’s a pity that I will no longer have the chance to follow him on his new account again. RIP, “uncle”.*

Bought salmon mentaiko sushi rice ($12 mini size) in our estate’s groupbuy and had it for late lunch. *Potato cooked Maggie for us before that haha.* It’s packed with flavours but I do get sick of it after a while.

He tried to do a “Nakajima Suisan” for dinner by marinating sea bass overnight with miso paste and mirin sauce but it turned out a little too salty after grilling for 20+ minutes, even though he’d scraped off some of the paste before putting the meat in the oven.

17/5/21 Mon: Potato made tomato, basil and garlic sauced spiral pasta with minced chicken meat, mushrooms and onions, and insisted having some vegetables so we had cabbage with tomatoes in sesame sauce and mayonnaise dressing too. Delicious but we were both very full from the amount of pasta we had haha! *Oh the translation of numbers at night… omg that has always been my Achilles’ heel…*

PotaTOHs finished watching빈센조(“Vincenzo Cassano”) together on Netflix!

Very enjoyable drama with lots of dark humour. 송중기was suave and clever as the protagonist, and very much a “mafia” in all ways haha. 옥택연did his first antagonist role justice too I thought, but maybe장한석was not as psychopathic and ruthless, because he looked like he had a soft spot for홍차영 (전여빈) when he shot her in the end.

I also liked how the drama had religions like Catholicism and Buddhism somehow work together. Ultimately, all religions would share commonality in values when it comes to the teachings for mankind.

Rating: 5/5

We also finished watching “The Queen’s Gambit”.

We follow the life of an orphaned chess prodigy, Beth Harmon (Anya-Taylor Joy) and her rise to fame while struggling with relationship problems, drugs and alcohol. Potato knows how to play international chess but I don’t, yet I don’t have a problem following the show at all.

A rather intimate look into Harmon’s life, and I reckon I enjoyed it.

Rating: 3.5/5

*Trying out a new meditation app called "Balance". I didn't know about "labelling" our thoughts and feelings before this. Intriguing concept.*
