PotaTOHs’ home renovation updates + lunch with NCSS clique at Redpan + 《永远记得》song composition + 《想见你》 + 《성균관 스캔들》
2/1/21 Sat: Daniel showed us photos of the vinyl tiles done up in two days! We opted for lighter shades in the living room and darker ones in bedrooms… hopefully a balanced look.
5/1/21 Tues: Last minute meet-up with Wong from Kim Contractor work at my house for measurement of the grilles to be installed for the whole house. Paid him the $50 deposit and also signed some form for HDB’s approval.
Pretty “seated pose” for aerial tonight~
7/1/21 Thurs: Randomly saw《大大的梦想》词曲创作赛on TV and I got Potato’s help to compose the melody while I wrote the lyrics for our original demo《永远记得》. *I used to write a lot of lyrics when I was studying in high school and university, but I made no effort to publish them lol.* Title sounds cliché but I could not find a more suitable one haha. We finished the song in a few days, I only did one recording and submitted the composition today. *I enjoyed our song and fingers crossed we win it haha!*
10/1/21 Sun: Finally met up with the NCSS clique for lunch at Redpan at Marina Square after a long, long time. Phase 3 opened up for maximum 8 people to gather, and so we seized the chance to meet. The soft-shell crab pasta ($18.80) I had was meh, and their desserts were so-so too, not a place to go dining again, but it was good in the sense that they allowed us to sit there and chit-chat after lunch. KW, Clement and their daughter Evelyn left earlier at 2+pm, but Ahna, LL, KU and I talked all the way till 5pm haha.

Read that《想见你》was a drama about suspense, romance and time-travel, so I decided to give it a chance.
在这里附上维基百科的简介: 剧情描述2019年的黄雨萱(柯佳嬿饰)在失去交往多年的男友王诠胜(许光汉饰)后,凭借著思念回到1998年、灵魂穿越成为另一个和自己长得一模一样的女孩陈韵如,并遇到和她逝世的男友长得一模一样的男孩李子维、以及默默守候陈韵如的莫俊杰(施柏宇饰),在种种谜团和复杂交错的时空之中,尝试改变过去和未来的命运。故事巧妙融合多种类型元素、探讨“自我认同”议题,引领观众在反转不断的烧脑剧情中抽丝剥茧。
Rating: 3/5
Dug out a really old DVD I bought
in China when I was studying there… 《성균관 스캔들》(Sungkyunkwan
김윤희 (박민영) goes through a series of odd jobs, mainly at a local bookstore, before she gets offered a chance to increase her earnings by becoming a substitute test-taker (an illegal act) for the upcoming entrance examination in the prestigious Sungkyunkwan, the Joseon Dynasty's highest educational institute. From there, she met the love of her life, 이선준 (박유천), the one who kept his love to her for himself, 문재신 (유아인), as well as the mischievous구용하 (송중기).
Probably because it was an old show already, the poor quality and chim Korean history made it a bit boring for me. A pity박유천is already out of showbiz because it’s a waste of his talent… but then again he brought it upon himself la.
Rating: 3/5