《你总说没事,但我知道你偷偷哭过很多次》+ The Worry Trick: How your brain tricks you into expecting the worst and what you can do about it + CCSS dinner @ Itacho Sushi & Belle Ville + Coney Island + 《BODY X: 㗝呸》+ Growing caixin + Potatoh's Anniv Wedding Photoshoot + dinner with马丹 + Ringfit & dinner @ WL & WS's + Nadi Shuddhi

The comic《你总说没事,但我知道你偷偷哭过很多次》by一禅小和尚was a quick and easy read.

Rating: 3.5/5
Another read: The Worry Trick: How your brain tricks you into expecting the worst and what you can do about it by David A. Carbonell.
We all have some sort of worries from time to time, and it’s funny how the more I want to “kick it”, the more it sticks around. Thought it might be interesting to read about solutions to them.
The Rule of Opposites work here! I learnt that worries ain’t dangerous, just a pain in the ass that our brains created because we want 100% assurance about things (no way~). The so-called “solution” is counterintuitive: let the nagging thoughts linger much as they want while we get down to any work there and then, making ourselves busy means auto-distraction.
AHA: Acknowledge and accept the worries, Humour the worrisome thoughts and Activity (get busy~) while we carry the thoughts with us. Meditation is one great relief too. It makes one more tolerant and accepting of whatever thoughts we encounter... I totally agree! However, I found the writing a bit long-winded. Could have been shorter.

Rating: 3.5/5

3/9/20 Thurs: PotaTOHs met up with Jere, WX and their precious Tod Z after a long while for dinner at Itacho Sushi at Square 2. Tod Z's kind of bubbly and active, but she sure doesn't appreciate the touch and hugs of "strangers" haha. 

We had the chocolate and banana pancake at Belle Ville for desserts and this tasted way better compared to the matcha one PotaTOHs ate last year. *Congrats to WX and Jere on their second one arriving next March~* 

8/9/20 Tues: WL and WS came for a trial aerial yoga class and they stood in front of me. Definitely not as easy for beginners, furthermore those two were rather inflexible too lol. I know WL used to run, but WS wasn't into exercise at all. But well, at least they've "been there and done that"! 

9/9/20 Weds: It's my first visit to Coney Island with Potato and Susan. We met at Punggol interchange to buy Mr Coconut and took a bus over. The weather was sunny, but pretty cooling once we walked into the shades in Coney Island.
I thought it'd be like an island on it's own, but it didn't felt like so, but merely a piece of flat land on mainland Singapore that could be covered in an easy stroll. 

We started from the West gate, and walked towards the East, before making our way to SS's. There were a number of beach stops that you will pass by, but there seemed to be no issues with sandflies as we saw families sitting down by the beaches. 
It did drizzled now and then, but we finally made our way out across the dam, u-turned back and came to the red bridge at Serangoon reservoir. Breezy weather~

Then on began our rather "torturous" walk back to SS's place for dinner. Imagine it took us about two hours round Coney Island, and yet another about 3+, 4 hours till Susan's!? One bottle of water and the dragonfruit bubble drink was certainly not enough for me, and SS and I opted to get ourselves a 500ml bottle of 100Plus each at one random mama shop at the void decks. *My "camel" don't really drink one ah~* 
Bought some ingredients from Sheng Siong and we went up her place... my soles were quite painful by then despite having my pair of New Balance cushioning them throughout the walk. 
Good thing dinner by Potato and SS was yummy! They baked the salmon, onions, cauliflower and lemon slices, and we also had the ramen egg made by Potato woots! John joined us after work too.
11/9/20 Fri: PotaTOHs sat through an immersive play《BODY X 㗝呸》and deduced Beer Girl to be the murderer (he thought Kopi-soh was highly likely too).
Simple storyline. We could follow any suspicious character to listen in on their conversation in different Zoom windows, but I still miss being able to take part in the play physically, like how well done《Body X:乡音》The Rehearsal was when it was held at The Arts House four years ago. 
The murderer was revealed to be Beer Girl on their Facebook page tonight. Wow even the actors didn't knew who the murderer was.

Rating: 3.75/5

13/9/20 Sun: Started to grow caixin! It's my first "green fingers" project, and I took the empty egg tray and potting mix from dad to grow the tiny seeds.
Three days later, the young seedlings could be seen germinating. One more day on, you could see them bending towards the direction of the sun! 

I am not exactly confident in myself, but now that I have them repotted using bigger ceramic pots and plastic bottles, I hope they can continue to grow well and become my family's dinner in about 20 days' time haha!
16/9/20 Weds: Tried out Fitbit session over Zoom with Jess, and though she mentioned that the videos were a bit lagged, it still went pretty well overall. Guess we could do more sessions in future!

And yup it's PotaTOH's wedding monthsary, so here comes another round of previous photos from our photoshoot at Sum Studio! *Potato has been making time to come over for dinners and stays on a weekly basis as he returned to school. Time together is short and therefore precious. Till PotaTOH's house is ready!*

17/9/20 Thurs: Met Ma Dan after four years for dinner at Toast Box at Hougang. 聊起了他年轻当校对员,机缘巧合随主任到了马房看马,后来成《星洲日报》马版记者和总编辑(后来好像也到了《南洋商报》)等,加起来有三十几年的工作生涯,直至2002年退休。*He's 80 years old already!* 60至90年代,他认识的马圈人士很多,就连知名练马师爱伦(Ivan Allan)都问他要tips哦!他很会看马,赢了不少,但他说那也是运气。那要怎样才有运气呢?“要宽宏大量有气度,得失心不要太重,还有得饶人处且饶人”。

18/9/20 Fri: Received my 5.08kg worth of Taobao loots in the afternoon~ Besides my handphone cover, I really liked the set of coasters above as well. Oh right, how can I forget to post the design of the couple tee I'd bought for PotaTOH's Cotton wedding anniversary in November? *Potato kept joking that his mouth there looked like a duck's LOL!* 

PotaTOHs took a bus to WL and WS's for dinner that night. *It was quite a long walk in to their block because of construction around the area.* They were in the midst of discussion with their curtain contractor while we toured their home and prepared for dinner. Potato bought the海底捞香辣自嗨锅requested by me from NTUC while he ate the tomato soup-base and beef one. To my horror, mine was actually麻辣omg~ something I don't eat. Only managed to eat about 1/3 of it. *My poor sponge mask got sucked in by their robot vacuum cleaner and was torn lol.*

Played Ring Fit at night and yes the adventure game really works your body parts. I'm a slow learner when it comes to games, so when more actions have to be done and I have to pay attention to more elements in the game, I cannot cope well haha. There is also a heart-rate monitor at the end, and for both PotaTOHs, "moderate activity" was done haha.
After trying the game, I thought it would probably help those who wants to find a fun element or motivating factor to start to exercise and provide some entertainment for gatherings, but not for people like me who would rather focus on the different exercises themselves as well as the correct execution of moves.

19/9/20 Sat: After more than two weeks' of wait, my Fitbit Inspire HR replacement finally came but it was only the main pebble that arrived! An overlook on my part but I was glad the Fitbit team was quick to agree to send me the band as well after I emailed them.
Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama is the alternate nostril breathing technique which I saw in a Taiwanese variety show some time ago. Came across this again in one of Fitbit's meditation audio clips. This yogic breathing exercise will help to balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, helping us feel less stressed or worried. Apparently, inhaling through the left nostril triggers the rest/relaxation response (parasympathetic nervous system) which will make you more relaxed, and inhaling through the right stimulates the fight/flight response (sympathetic nervous system) which makes you more energised.
There are a number of benefits like improving respiratory (hopefully less occurrences of blocked nose for me in future!) and cardiovascular health and reducing anxiety and worries. *I could probably start off with doing five minutes a day to complement it with平甩功!*
