Before The Coffee Gets Cold + Cottage DIY paint + FIL's handmade dumplings + Sleep + Human Design + 아무도 모른다 + Extracurricular + Manhunt: Unabomber + Manhunt: Deadly Games

Thought it's time for me to pick up my reading habits again, and so I borrowed the e-book "Before the coffee gets cold" by Toshikazu Kawaguchi on NLB's app. There were four chapters on the lovers, husband and wife, sisters, mother and daughter respectively, and all four stories were of time travel that took place in a small cafe in a basement. It was an easy but moving read. I got teary after reading "husband and wife" and also the story on mother and daughter~ Be it travelling back to the past or the future, we can never alter anything outside of ourselves (there are "rules" to abide by while time-travelling in the café), but I do agree that what matters is that it changed our hearts and our thoughts at present. 

Maybe I will pick up the Chinese copy《在咖啡冷掉之前》next time.

Rating: 4/5

14/6/20 Sun: As Singapore eased into Phase 1 of loosening the CB, I paid a visit to my in-laws for dinner with them, and potaTOHs finally got to meet each other after two months or so. Had unagi and salmon fish shiok~ 家翁也用红糖和醋腌制三个礼拜的卷心菜! 很开胃呢~ 过后,他们也让把一盒好吃的腌白萝卜、草莓、馄饨和绿茶蛋糕带回家

16/6/20 Tues: Some photos from PotaTOH's wedding photoshoot at Sum Studio to commemorate our anniversary! We both have a liking for greens (maybe it's because we both came from the "ground" lol~), so it will definitely be a big part of our life in time to come. Cheers to many more Shinrin-yoku, trekking and hiking and embracing of Mother Earth where we may be!

Also, I finally completed the second DIY number painting after 28 days of hard work. It took me almost triple the amount of time taken to finish the first painting as there were much more details in this setting. I was the most motivated towards the end when I saw how the last teal colour brought out the life in the painting. This looks peaceful and serene to me.


20/6/20 Sat: Potato came over in the evening with 12 handmade dumplings given by FIL! We had dinner at market and then caught “中国机长”together.
Overloaded with "goodies" inside his dumplings and yummy as always! We had it for lunch on Sunday and over the next few days too.
Saw NLB promoting a book called "Sleep" by Nick Littlehales. If given a choice, I’d almost always prefer a non-fiction book over fictions. I’ve always been curious about improving sleep quality, and through this book, I learnt about the "R90 program". It taught me to look at sleep in cycles and not hours, and that Controlled Recovery Period (aka NAP) works well in 30 or 90 minutes block depending on the time of the day. Pre and post-sleep routines are important too, and how we all should dump all the smart devices (yes, I think including my Fitbit watch but eh... not for now) out of where we called our “recovery room”. Also, for people who cannot live without their caffeine or face insomnia, parents with babies at home etc, it's nice to have a look at this so you get “smarter sleeps”. 
If it works for professional athletes, then I think it can do too for me. I reckon we just need a little bit more of discipline, even if we have too many excuses in life haha.

Rating: 3.75/5
Came across something called the "Human Design chart" on YES 93.3FM Kun Hua's FB. I listened in on their live chat, and went to search for my human design chart too. Human Design combines the principles of The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. The Human Design Chart, also called a BodyGraph, is calculated using birth date, time, and place, to reveal our genetic design. If you are curious, you can go here to find out yours:

I found out that I'm a "generator" and my "strategy" is "to respond". From the information I got from their e-book, Generators are the great "builders." They derive their energy from the Sacral Center  (the red square near the center of the BodyGraph), the source of generating the life force. Generators have a tremendous amount of energy at their disposal but need to know how to use this power correctly so not to waste this energy resource on activities that do not lead to expected outcomes. When you initiate because you are trying to “make things happen,” you will generally meet with resistance in the form of frustration and feeling stuck. You can end up involved in projects and activities that deplete you, without leaving you fulfilled or satisfied. Over time, this leads to exhaustion and quitting. As a Generator, you need to wait for what life brings to you, and then follow your response. Your aura is open and enveloping, taking in everything in your environment. You draw things to you and as you are energetically designed to  respond, this will tell you if something is correct for you or not. Once you respond to a person, event or action, you can then act with the full force of this powerful energy. By learning to ​Wait and Respond, ​you begin to eliminate resistance and the  frustration​ that comes from not using your energy correctly, and experience your signature— ​Satisfaction​. 

"Inner Authority"-wise, I have "Sacral Authority", which meant that the response  mechanism of their Sacral provides audible authority through sounds or words​. ​With Sacral Authority, ​you can know immediately if you have the energy for a given task and whether participating in it is likely to be productive. Generators commonly use a whole range of sacral sounds which express likes and dislikes, consent, or discontent. “Uh-huh” for yes and “uh-uh/un-un” for no, or  “mmh” when undecided, are all Sacral sounds that are great tools for recognising  energetic response before, during, or after an activity. Most will come naturally to a Generator unless you have been conditioned to suppress or ignore them. Listening for sounds or tuning into your gut feeling is imperative as this will clearly indicate how to use your energy in a satisfactory way. Your Sacral knows what energy it has available for what task when there is something in particular to respond to. The right question at the right time can also be helpful to uncover which direction to take​—​getting a impartial other to ask you yes-no questions can help you work through this process. Once you allow your decisions to be guided by your Sacral response, you will notice how much more satisfying and efficient activities can be.  

A 2/4 profile in me is the Hermit/Opportunist that needs a balance of being alone and being social. These people are often very socially integrated and have a bubbly or intriguing personality. These people are the type that can start a conversation with anyone. The 2nd line of the profile is called the hermit as it has a need to be alone or have seclusion. Part of the importance of the alone time is to allow integration of ideas and experiences to take place. The 2nd line needs to be out of the energy of others for this important integration to take place. However, the 2nd line is not a successful hermit because others recognize that the 2nd line person can’t live in a cave. Thus, the 2nd lines are extended invitations and called out of their hermit environment.
The 4th line of the profile is an opportunist and the opportunity comes through the network that this person is connected to. For the 4th line person, it is important to constantly be aware of opportunities that may present themselves through friends, family, peers etc. In connection with this, the 4th line person requires stability and foundation within core elements of their network. This foundation is to have stability in the core areas of job, housing and relationship. Most 4th lines will look to establish the new opportunity before severing the old.  With a job for example, 4th lines will typically secure the new job before giving notice at their current place of employment. If they are moving, they will line up the new location before moving out of their current housing. 

Right Angle Cross of Laws (50/3 | 56/60): Your Cross has the energy of making laws for the tribe. In order for a tribe to survive, someone needs to hunt or gather the food, someone needs to cook the food and then there needs to be order around who consumes the food and how that is done. Now many of us are a long way from the campfire days, but the principles still hold. Your gift is to set the rules so the family, community or organization can function in a productive, less chaotic way and achieve greater organization. However, as lawmaker, you need to be open to feedback because the rest of the group has to live with you. Typically your lawmaking standards are inherited and you are less open to outside input. If members of your tribe cannot live with the rules you set out and you cannot be open to negotiation, then one or the other must go. 

23/6/20 Tues: Almost three months since the last aerial yoga lesson we had. Had to take the necessary precautionary steps like Safe Entry scans and sanitisation as we enter ITE and the studio itself as we eased into phase two of Covid-19 CB in Singapore.

We did simple stretches and moves tonight, and I think it will take me some time to get back to the same "stamina" I used to have in aerial classes haha.

*rRandom tThought: Everything has its time. Be in the present as you work towards the time you want. I am rather passive most of the time, and used to dwell in sorrows and the past a lot. But the recent months at home has given me the chance to explore more (i.e. learning ukulele, exercising, cooking, languages, reading etc) and cultivate positive mindset and habits. For example, I now try to use the mindfulness programs in the Fitbit app before I sleep and after waking up, just to try to clear my brain of "junk thoughts" for the day before and after rest. I ought to give myself more chances in life, and ignore those that are not meant to be. It's another step towards maturity and a bit of "enlightenment" too, maybe?*
I enjoyed "아무도 모른" (Nobody Knows). Detective차영진 (김서형) is determined to catch the infamous Stigmata serial killer who murdered her friend 19 years ago. 김서형was great as the detective and the plot was captivating enough for me to want to chase the episodes.

Rating: 4/5

Caught "Extracurricular" starring김동희as a clever high school student who works as a security and a pimp in order to earn money. His secret was found out by his crush배규리 (박주현) who decides to blackmail him into doing the business together instead. The duo sank deeper into their wrongdoings, though the ending was an open one... as in we don't know where exactly they both escaped to after being wanted by the police. 
The show reflected the dark side of teenagers and a look into Korean society as it has resemblance to the Nth room case where women were blackmailed into taking sexually exploitative videos, which were then circulated in pay-to-view Telegram group chats.
Please don't let vulnerable kids lose their way in life.

Rating: 4.25/5

John recommended "Manhunt: Unabomber" Season one to us. 10 episodes of "showdown" between FBI profiler Jim Fitzgerald (Sam Worthington) and American domestic terroist cum former Math professor Ted Kaczynski (Paul Bettany) and it was an exciting one! Based on true bombing incidents in America from 1978 to 1995, Fitzgerald proved linguistics forensics worked when he tracked down Kaczynski using the method to decipher the language used in the latter's manifesto "Industrial Society and Its future" (and family letters) published to the world in The Washington Post in 1995. Kaczynski's no dumb being, and the "psychological warfare" that happened between the two after he was caught was very intriguing to watch.

Kaczynski had a habit of writing "you can't eat your cake and have it too", which is the correct way to phrase this apparently. Somehow, I pitied Kaczynski here. I mean, who’s to say he is mentally defective just because they think they see him exhibiting symptoms/ideas/thoughts different from the norm? His trust for people since his Harvard College days where he underwent a brutal psychological experiment was already bad enough (partly why his character有些扭曲), and then his lawyer wanted to put that as a reason “to save his life”. He just wants to save his ideologies la~ But then again, him going around bombing innocent life just to have his ideas made known to the world is a no-no la. Oh, and killing people to bring out your intention reminds me of a psychological test I heard long ago. Here's the test if you are interested:

Rating: 5/5

I went on to watch the second season, Manhunt: Deadly Games. It is also a true crime anthology series, with the story of Richard Jewell (Cameron Britton), who went from unassuming security guard credited with saving lives in the 1996 Centennial Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta to alleged bomber when local reporter Kathy Scruggs (Carla Gugino) received a tip that the FBI was looking into him as a suspect. But with the help of ATF bomb expert Earl Embry (Arliss Howard), FBI agent Jack Brennan (Gethin Anthony) realised his target should be Eric Rudolph (Jack Huston) instead. In reality, Rudolph serving four life sentences at the same ADX Florence supermax prison where Kaczynski is at.

Truth is what matters. 追求真相但不够彻底,害人害己. I cannot stand seeing the reporter defame Jewell and FBI maligning him at start. He was defenceless against them.

Rating: 4.5/5
