Backdate: Bhutan Dec 2024 Day 8
19/12/24 Tues: Had our s unrise breakfast at 7.30am! The one with bacon is his Eggs Benedict because I don't like bacon. Besides bacon, he had p oached eggs, English muffin, spinach and Hollandaise sauce. Soon, we had to bid goodbye to Gangtey Lodge and Chef Soh and his team. *She's so nice... even gave us a handmade body soap (that had Chrysanthemum smell) and some snacks for the drive.* We l eft at 8.30am and passed the Lawala pass at 3,250m ASL. Also s aw a black yak on the way. And because it’s a 5-hour drive to Paro, Yeshi needed a break at Dochu La pass. It was a somewhat familiar sight as we approached Paro because we were here on the first day. They sent us safely to Bhutan Spirit Sanctuary at the top of a hill at 1.30pm. The staff were there to welcome us as we walked into the hotel, and was welcomed by their general manager before being brought to our room. Such a sweet welcome with the chocolate cake for our 6th wedding anniversary and 9th...