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Backdate: Bhutan Dec 2024 Day 4

15/12/24 Sun:  I woke up at 6.45am for their complimentary yoga class that was supposed to take place at 7.30am in their yoga studio. *Look at the  mountain ranges from outside our suite!* It was a cold and  quiet morning and I was there at 7.25am, five minutes before class. *They have a h eated outdoor pool and the water’s only 28, 29 degrees Celcius. It felt cold to the touch so I doubt anyone would want to swim lol.* I waited for five minutes or so in the studio but no one came. So I went to check with the manager and she replied the yoga teacher was injured and cannot make it for class (later saw photo from another staff... omg his face was bloodied). Manager said she went to our suite but did not knock because all our blinds were down and we looked like we were still sleeping, but in my opinion, she should have tried to call or find me at the studio (not far~) too! *I was specifically told by their staff one day before to arrive five minutes before class this morni...

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